DEVELOPERS have appealed Wiltshire Council’s decision to reject controversial plans for 145 homes at Glenmore Farm. The appeal hearing, led by the Planning Inspectorate, was held at The Laverton on 21st November.
Wiltshire Council had initially approved the plans but performed a U-turn earlier this year following updates to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The changes give communities greater protection from speculative developments, requiring local authorities to plan for four years of housing land supply instead of five.
The proposed development, near The Ham, has faced significant local opposition over the past eight years. Westbury Town Council, Heywood Parish Council, and a resident-led protest group have campaigned against it, raising concerns about its impact on the area.
Opponents of the development raised concerns about poor access to local services and overreliance on private vehicles, citing long walking distances to amenities such as schools, supermarkets and health centres. They also criticised the scheme’s location outside Westbury’s settlement boundary and its potential impact on nearby residents.
The Planning Inspectorate will now review all evidence presented during the hearing and any additional information needed. The inspector will then prepare a written report detailing their findings and decision. This report will be sent to Wiltshire Council, which will be required to comply with the decision unless exceptional circumstances justify an appeal or judicial review.