THE High Street car park public toilets have been vandalised recently, causing them to close for the foreseeable future.
Deborah Urch, town clerk of Westbury said, “We are very sad to report that the public toilets in the High Street car park have been vandalised. A metal door has been damaged, and lighting and signage has been burned. In addition, the recently replaced safety straps on the baby changing table have been ripped off.
“The cost to mend the doors will be significant and there will be inconvenience to the public while the repairs are carried out. In the meantime, the toilet is unavailable to the public.
“The town council has been working very hard to bring the toilets to an acceptable standard for the thousands of people who use them each year.
“This recent vandalism is very disappointing. We will be monitoring the area much more carefully with CCTV. If members of the public have any information regarding the vandalism, we would like to hear from them on 01373 822232 or info@westburytowncouncil.gov.uk ”