A PLANNING application to convert the White Lion public house in the Market Place into residential properties has been approved by Wiltshire Council.
The plans are for the conversion of the public house into nine residential dwellings. Planning officers say that converting the pub would not harm the character of the listed building.
The pub closed in December 2010 and remained unsold until it was bought in April 2011. Westbury Town Council objected to the application when they considered it last month, saying that they do not wish to see another business premises lost from the Market Place. They also said that the case that the premises is no longer viable as a public house has not been demonstrated. However, the applicants say, “The planning application includes a change of use as the public house is no longer viable as a business and is in a state of disrepair, therefore requiring extensive refurbishment to bring to a standard suitable for use.
“Due to the reduction of business for the White Lion, and the business making a loss for many years, it is seen that the proposed renovations are acceptable and change of use should be granted.” The applicants also point to 15 other public houses in the town, which they say offers enough establishments to the community.