The March meeting was held at The Chalford House Hotel.
President Pat Harper opened the meeting by lighting the friendship candle and presenting the four new members with their badges. Maureen Coward was thanked for organising the monthly lunch at The Farmhouse and Annette Weare and Maureen Chapman for hosting the coffee morning. £55 had been raised for international charities.
Various reports were then given and it was agreed that we donate £150 to the District Chairman’s charity “Parkinsons.” The Treasurer reminded members to continue to save pennies for Water Aid.
President Pat asked if anyone could host one of the bi-monthly coffee mornings to raise money for International. Jean Heath agreed to do this, with the help of Sheila Carruthers. Arrangements were discussed regarding the forth coming Inter Club to be held on the 15th April at Westbury Leigh Community Hall. It will be afternoon tea and the speaker on this occasion will be Frances the “Pearl Lady.”
Sheila Carruthers, on behalf of Joanna Earney, thanked members for their willingness to do the collection in aid of SPLITZ outside the Co-op on Friday 11th March. Some discussion also took place regarding celebrations for the Queen 90th Birthday. As it was some way off this would be finalized at a future meeting.
President Pat said the concert by the Rock Choir will take place on the 14th May at Steeple Ashton Church. Money raised would be donated to SPLITZ. Val Sando reminded members to bring unwanted books to the meetings to sell. Proceeds in aid of Alzheimer’s.
Dates for members diaries: District Rally is on Thursday 14th July at Standerwick and the District Assembly on Saturday 16th July at Edgar Hall, Somerton. All officers should try to attend this Assembly.
Next meeting is on Thursday 7th April.
Sheila Buckton
Club Correspondent