A WESTBURY teenager has been elected to the Wiltshire Assembly of Youth and UK Youth Parliament.
Ellie Pullen, a 14-year-old pupil from Matravers School, was elected after standing against six other candidates for the position. Ellie’s election manifesto included a pledge to campaign for a wider range of leisure facilities for young people.
Ellie said, “Many young people find local leisure facilities have little or no sessions aimed at young people, and when they do it is often expensive.”
Ellie included several other points in her manifesto. “I would like to have specific areas within towns and villages for young people to congregate because youth centres are not always open, and young people are persistently moved from parks and other recreational areas by the police.
“I would like to reduce the cost of public transport for young people and see more financial support for transport for young people living in rural areas.”
Ellie is also campaigning to reduce prejudice towards young people.
The run up to the election was a busy period for Ellie, who campaigned in school assemblies and through the youth centre. She explained why she decided to run. “I first heard about it from my head of PSHE at school and most years at school I’ve been involved with the student council and enjoy doing that, but I wanted to go further and make things in Wiltshire happen.
“I would like to thank everyone who voted for me.”