OVER the past few years, Westbury Leigh Primary School has been developing its school grounds to help enrich the curriculum and opportunities for outdoor learning experiences.
The school reports, “Our school offer is all about children being inspired by the environment around them and aspiring to conserve our environmental future.”
Headteacher, Mrs Grimsey explains, “We started with Shearwater Farm, where we have chickens, ducks and our two cheeky Golden Guernsey goats: Cinnamon and Nutmeg, all of whom are looked after by our pupils. We have recently developed Forest School too, which is led by our Forest School lead, Mrs Murray, providing practical engagement and appropriate risk taking which helps all the children across the school to build self-esteem and confidence whilst promoting social skills”.
Most recently the school has been able to start planting an orchard after a generous donation of fruit tree saplings. This will provide the school with an additional habitat to study in science lessons for years to come.
Jenson from Year 6 said, “Digging the holes were hard work, we had to work out how big the hole needed to be to make sure the roots fitted and the saplings had to be upright and stable and make sure the worms, ants and grubs were taken care of. After we planted them we all did a rain dance…and it did!”