THE Westbury branch of the Civil Service Retirement Fellowship (CSRF) are looking for more members to join the club.
The club have seen their numbers significantly reduce in the last year, mainly due to the pandemic and illnesses, but now they would like to increase numbers by making retired people aware of the club and its activities, which take place at the Paragon Hall on Haynes Road on the third Monday monthly at 2pm.
Organisers say, “You do not have to have been a civil service employee or retiree to attend. There is the usual tea, chat, a bring and buy table, a raffle and usually a speaker. The last one was a very interesting talk on the ‘Lavertons of Westbury’ given by Sally Hendry from the Heritage Centre. Coach trips are organised for the summer months – usually on the third Wednesday of the month. The next one is to Swanage on April 12th. We would love to see you at the next meeting on Monday April 17th at 2pm.”
All enquiries to Mary on 07963 908754.