NEWBORN lambs are gracing the fields at Penleigh Farm in Dilton Marsh – a sure sign that spring has sprung! And this year a particularly special new arrival is a black lamb which was born in a flock of white poll Dorset sheep.
The lamb was born in the early hours of Friday morning. Farmer Owen Singer said, “This is a very, very, rare black lamb – poll Dorsets are white! Apart from a little white stripe down its face and a white tail, it’s all black. She’s going to be very well looked after!” Even more remarkable is the fact that the lamb has a white twin. The black lamb’s colour is due to the recessive genes it carries. Since lambing started two weeks ago the farmers have been working round the clock to make sure the new arrivals are delivered safely. Lambing lasts for four to five weeks, and in this time the farm expects to welcome around 350 lambs. In the past the farm has suffered from dog attacks which have killed lambs, but fortunately have not had any major problems this year. Dog owners are reminded to be responsible and keep their dogs firmly on a lead when in the fields as distress can be damaging for both pregnant ewes and their lambs. Penleigh Farm Fresh sell their food locally, with a traditional butchery inside the Co-op in the Westway Shopping Centre in Frome.