PLANS to fill the vacant former Barclays building at 32 High Street with a food outlet have been welcomed by Westbury’s Mayor.
The building, which used to be a bank until its closure in May 2018, could see a new lease of life after Wiltshire Council approved plans and change of use from a bank to a restaurant/takeaway for the ground floor. The planning document also allows for a first-floor side extension and two self-contained flats at first floor level at the site.
Westbury Mayor cllr Mike Sutton says, “I welcome the news that we will be able to fill an empty space, which is always detrimental to the ambience of any town. They [the applicant] didn’t need planning permission as such, as it was a change of use from bank to food outlet.
“There was also talk of accommodation upstairs, which would be a great improvement, but as always, we will need to see if that ever transpires.”
When asked whether the town council would prefer that the site be used to host a banking hub/ post office or something similar, instead of a take-away, cllr Sutton said, “We do not have the power under planning rules to stipulate what sort of retail outlet it should be, merely that it meets planning requirements. Town councils have no powers to regulate what businesses apply or operate, merely that they comply with regulations.
“The future of most High Street seems to be such premises, but much better to be occupied than vacant. As for duplicating existing premises or too many takeaways, I presume any person opening a shop will have demonstrated a good business case and that is a risk they take.
“Yes, [this is] much better open, than a derelict premises.”
One of the conditions of the planning approval granted by Wiltshire Council is that there will be no customers/members of the public on the restaurant/takeaway site outside of the hours of 0900 and 2300 from Mondays to Sundays, nor at any time on Bank and Public Holidays. The council says that this is to ensure the creation/retention of an environment free from intrusive levels of noise and activity in the interests of the amenity of the area.
Wiltshire Council has been trying to encourage more businesses to open up on High Streets across the county as a way to regenerate town centres by offering up to £10,000 to new businesses that set up shop. The deadline for the Vibrant Wiltshire grant applications ends this Thursday 15th February. For more information, visit
Information about the plans for 32 High Street can be found by searching PL/2023/05520 on the Wilshire Council planning portal.