A LOCAL carer has invented a simple but effective clip to help people identify their own mobility aids.
Adeline Dalley, who works at Westbury Court Care Home, has created her ‘Mediclipz’ from PVC tubing. It can be easily clipped onto mobility aids, allowing quick identification as well as providing essential details about the user.
With 16 years’ experience as a carer, Adeline noticed that people often don’t label their mobility aids. Users may also be at risk of injury if they pick up the wrong aid, which does not give them the appropriate support.
Some people do label their mobility aids, but with a messy and insecure combination of paper and sticky tape.
Adeline’s solution was to design the Mediclipz, which snaps onto mobility aids easily, but is hard to remove. Made from plastic, it hardwearing, washable, and hygienic.
With growing numbers of dementia patients, Adeline has also produced special yellow Mediclipz, as yellow is the last colour to fade from memory.
The Mediclipz is inscribed with details such as name, house or room number, and any allergies or conditions. Adeline explains, “If someone collapses, paramedics have immediate details.
“It can go on walkers, wheelchairs, and once you’ve put them on, they’re very, very difficult to get off.
“It fits most tubing, so it can also go on bikes and scooters – handy for children with serious allergies.
“I’ve spent the last few months getting the material right, and because I’ve got the patent pending I can start marketing it.”
For every clip sold, £1 will be donated to the local Alzheimers Support charity. Find out more at www.adzcreations.com