THE issue of whether residents of Willoughby Close in Westbury should be able to park on grass areas near their homes has taken another turn following Westbury Town Council refusing an applicant’s request. Wiltshire Council has now agreed the application, with conditions.
In the article in the last edition of White Horse News (6th August, 2020) we reported that a residence had applied for planning permission for a strip of grass which runs alongside their house, to be made into a hard standing driveway for car parking space.
The applicants stated that they had always maintained the area as part of their property and now, with two grown up children learning to drive, they wanted to make the area a permanent parking space.
At a meeting of Westbury Town Council’s highways, planning & development committee meeting, councillors turned down the application, suggesting it would set a precedent for other houses in the area.
Since the report, a White Horse News reader, who lives in the close, stated that other families had tried to legally apply for parking areas but that it was unfair as other houses were just parking in the grass strips anyway.
He wrote, “So far in Willoughby Close, two residents have applied for planning to convert grassed areas of their land to ease the street parking and both have been objected to by Westbury Town Council. Both these residents have at least tried to use the legal system, but it seems the best way is just to park on the grass, without seeking permission.
He suggested that some offenders of parking on the grass areas themselves, are putting in objections to other neighbours who are trying to legally establish parking areas.
He said, “The moral of the story is, do not apply for planning – just do it!
Two years ago, town councillors agreed to introduce yellow lines in Willoughby Close at the end of the road, to deter the obstruction of driveways’ turning areas.
However, the resident said that prior to the yellow lines, he and other residents warned local councillors that restrictions would cause problems and only move the parking issues further up the close. “This is what has happened,” he said. “You only have to ask other Willoughby Close residents.
“Also I would ask, why are these ‘grassed areas’ on the owners’ HM Land Registration documents ie: they own the land but they are constantly referred to as “grassed areas’ or ‘street view’? These areas are maintained by the owners/residents but seem to be completely under the control of others.”