AN online petition has been launched to urge Wiltshire Council to take immediate action to improve road safety in the Slag Lane/ Frogmore Road area as local residents say it has become increasingly hazardous for pedestrians.
Concerns have been raised that motorists often drive through Slag Lane at high speed with no regard for the children who use the route to walk to school, or local people, pets and wildlife. Neighbours have now banded together to ask Wiltshire Council to take immediate temporary action and 171 people have signed the petition so far.
Slag Lane is a road next to a residential area near Vivash Park and the route via Frogmore Road to the town is often used by schoolchildren and dog walkers. Concerns have been raised at the lack of pedestrian safety as there is no pavement on Frogmore Road or any kind of pedestrian crossing, which residents say puts pedestrians at risk.
The residents of Slag Lane, who have been raising the safety issue for years, are keen for traffic calming measures to be installed, such as speed bumps and traffic islands, as well as constructing well-marked crossways and improving the street lighting as well as widening pavements. Wiltshire Council says it has no plans to install temporary traffic calming measures in the area, but added that the area could see some improvement in 2024/2025.
Westbury Town Council had initially put forward plans and a funding bid to the local highways and footway group of Wiltshire Council in 2021 to improve safety in the area, which would see the speed limit reduced from 30mph to 20mph on parts of Hawkeridge Road, Frogmore Road and Slag Lane. However, this funding bid was unsuccessful as Wiltshire Council said the funding pot was “oversubscribed”.
Cllr Richard Clewer, leader of Wiltshire Council says, “Westbury Town Council unfortunately then missed the deadline for supporting a funding bid in 2022; however, it has subsequently been agreed that a substantive bid for the improvements will be submitted before the deadline in 2023. Should this bid be successful, funding will be available to progress the improvements in the 2024/25 financial year. Due to the nature and cost associated with the improvements, this would likely be undertaken in two phases.
“There are no plans to install temporary traffic management measures on Slag Lane or Frogmore Road. Previous traffic surveys have not highlighted a lack of compliance with the existing speed limit, with average vehicle speeds at 25mph and 24.9mph respectively. Incidences of dangerous driving should be reported to Wiltshire Police. Reports can be made via 101 or using the Wiltshire Police online reporting system.”
Bradley Partner, who set up the petition, says he doesn’t believe that any pedestrian safety improvements will be completed until there is a fatal accident in the area.
He said, “Some of the examples I’ve seen include a kid almost being knocked over by a car going at least 50mph as he crossed the street and my cat has unfortunately been killed by a speeding car who didn’t even bother to stop.
“It feels like Wiltshire Council won’t take any direct action to fix these increasing concerns until something awful happens and there is a fatality. It seems odd to not spend the money on improving pedestrian safety when the town council has just adopted Vivash Park and is encouraging people to visit the area.
“The lake is also a hotspot for families and older people, so it seems a no brainer to install some sort of temporary measure while we wait to see if the town council’s plans will go forward. I think some of the neighbours have lost confidence in the council as this has been as issue for years and yet nothing has been done.”
Bradley also says that the combination of a lack of a pedestrian crossing where Frogmore meets Slag Lane, combined with the overgrown vegetation on either side of the road, has created further safety concerns for those crossing the road as they may not be seen by motorists – especially if they are speeding.
Wiltshire Council has confirmed that the local highways team will inspect the area and take relevant action with regards to the overgrown vegetation. Concerns of this nature can be reported via the MyWilts reporting system, which will direct the report to the relevant department for inspection and action as necessary.
You can view the petition by searching ‘Safer roads for Slag Lane and Frogmore Road’ on