A COMPETITION to find the best photos documenting Westbury has been launched by Westbury Rotary Club.
The club in running the contest to provide a visual record of Westbury and its people for posterity.
“This should be a fantastic record of the town during this census year in what is a momentous time,” said Julian Sandoe, president of The Rotary Club of Westbury. “We’re hoping as many people as possible will send photographs in and help us produce what will be a really fascinating piece of social history.
“20 years ago Eli Mannaseh, then a resident and councillor, published his book ‘Westbury in the Year 2000’; a project to mark The Millenium which incorporated a photo for every day of the year depicting people and places.
“At the time the photos were of familiar scenes and faces, and perhaps their interest was limited in consequence, but in the intervening years as Westbury has changed with buildings demolished, firms closed and people aged or left us, the value of Eli’s document has grown enormously and thus in 2021, Census Year, The Rotary Club of Westbury consider that it is time once more to provide a visual record of Westbury and its people for posterity.
“With this in mind we are holding a photographic competition to document Westbury over the course of the next year, with a view to producing a book along similar lines to Eli’s which endeavours to capture Westbury in a series of photos.
“We also hope to produce large copies of the winning entries in the various categories for a display in a public building in the town and then for permanent display on the walls of public buildings.
“Rotary will also hopefully produce signed limited edition prints for sale to raise money for charity.
“The club would also intend to produce a DVD, again which would include all of the entries received, to more fully capture Westbury at this time and again to raise money for charity.
“The photos will be judged by a small panel of experienced judges and local lay people so that a balance of photographic skill and local interest can be achieved.
“The competition is open to everyone including those from Westbury and Westbury villages together with an open category for non-locals, with different age categories to encourage youngsters to contribute to the project too.
“Themes include People, Landscapes, Architecture, Street, Seasons, At Work, Education, Worship, Military, Archaeology and Contemporary (and potentially others).
“White Horse News will be fully engaged in this project and will also print some of the winning entrants in due course.
“Fuller details of the project will be issued shortly but in the interim, please get snapping!”
32 copies of Eli Mannaseh’s book are now available for sale at £7.00 each with the proceeds going to The Mayor’s supported charity, Carer Support Wiltshire.
For more details, contact Julian Sandoe on sandoes@aol.com