Westbury Town Council and Westbury Library have joined together to start a Seed Share, with the aim of encouraging residents to try their hand at growing something new.
“Many of us grow a variety of flowers and vegetables in our gardens but often have more seeds than we need so why not share some?” says a spokesperson for the council.
“Located at Westbury Library, our Seed Share box is full of seeds which you can take to sow in your own garden, patch or pots, and you can also donate spare seeds of your own. After all, most of us cannot use all seeds in every packet before they go out of date!
“There is still plenty of time this growing season to sow, plant and enjoy seeds of all kinds, including salad crops, peas, beans, cabbage and flowers. Do pop into the library to see what is on offer and if you can, bring along any spare seeds of your own to share. There are empty seed packets to fill with your ‘extras’.
“In coming years, we hope to have a seed, plant and produce share stations in the town, but for now the seeds are there so please help yourself!”