WESTBURY Lion, Jarvis MacDonald, has been made District Governor for all Lions Clubs in Southern Central England.
Last week, Jarvis travelled to Milan, Italy, for the Lions Clubs International Convention, where he was officially ‘badged up’ as the District Governor for District 105SC.
“It is a huge honour,” Jarvis told White Horse News. “You only get to be in this role once, and for one term only – so I am pinching myself – am I really doing this?!
“There are people in the district who have been with the Lions for a lot longer than me – I’ve been with the Westbury Lions for about eight or nine years – so it is great to be chosen, and a little daunting.
“I’ll be overseeing the district, which stretches from Abingdon to Guernsey and Jersey; and from Reading to Chippenham – a fairly large task for a volunteer!
“As District Governor it is my responsibility to oversee the district and oversee the running of administration for the district. I’ll offer support for clubs and represent the district around the country and in Europe. And also promote ‘Lionism’, promoting membership growth and new club development.
“I’ll also be visiting all the clubs in the district, and attending charter dinners, where I will be expected to stand up and give a speech – something I am becoming more au fait with, I was nervous when I first started!”
For more information about Westbury Lions, visit: www.westburylions.org.uk