WESTBURY Town Council has objected to plans for a development of up to 220 houses off The Mead.
A key objection is that the site is outside the town policy limits – limits which suggest boundaries for development in the town. Councillors want priority to instead be given to the development of the Station Road site known as H14 – the land which connects Station Road and Mane Way, which would also involve completion of the connecting road.
The site off The Mead borders the A350 and the railway line; and with access off The Mead another key objection is the extra traffic and congestion the development would create.
Councillors also fear that the development would add increased pressure on existing facilities in the town.
Developers Gloucester Land Company Ltd are seeking to build up to 220 homes on the site, with a range of house sizes (including two, three, four and five bedroom houses).
You can comment on the plans via the Wiltshire Council website, using the application reference 13/03568/OUT.