WESTBURY Town Council say they will continue to subsidise two hours of free parking in the town, despite Wiltshire Council voting to raise parking charges on every tariff by 10p per hour, throughout the county, from April.

Parking charges are also to be introduced across the county for Blue Badge holders, event parking and Sunday parking, as voted on by councillors at the budget meeting of Wiltshire Council last month.
The town council say, “Westbury Town Council currently pays for two hours’ free parking in the town’s car parks to help the town centre economy. This amounted to almost £40,000 for the current financial year and demonstrates the council’s continued support for the High Street and town centre. The town council will cover the increase in charges, although timing of this announcement means that we will be unable to allow for this increase in our budget for the coming financial year, further increasing budget pressures.
“Some residents will be hard hit by this increase, such as those living in properties close to the town centre who rely on using the public car parks, yet Wiltshire Council continues to approve planning applications for homes near the town without any car parking facilities at all. These residents must make a choice – to buy an annual permit which currently costs £670 and park in one of the public car parks or find on-street parking locally, further increasing pressure on the surrounding residential areas. Planning permission with no joined-up thinking has consequences and the numerous requests the town council receives for double yellow lines highlights the extent of the parking problems in a town like Westbury.
“It is also disappointing that Wiltshire Council does not recognise the effort being made by its towns and villages to assist their growth and development and support their local high streets. Initiatives such as the weekly Wednesday Market and the Vision for Westbury to regenerate and increase footfall in the town centre, are part of our commitment to looking to the future of our town. It is frustrating to feel that Wiltshire Council does not appear to share our ambition for growth and regeneration.
“Finally, the proposal to charge Blue Badge holders to park in public car parks is yet another barrier for the disabled, elderly and infirm who already face many difficulties in their everyday lives.”
Cllr Sheila Kimmins added, “To discriminate those people who are blue badge holders, they are usually disabled, elderly and infirm, and I think it is actually a discrimination against people. As for the policy of high street regeneration, this will finish off our high street as people will just go to either Warminster or Bradford on Avon, where there is free parking, and Westbury will die.”
The leader of Wiltshire Council, cllr Richard Clewer has said he believes the council has made the right call with regard to increasing car parking charges and introducing parking charges for blue badge holders.
Cllr Clewer said, “We knew this year’s budget would be among the most challenging to plan, as the pandemic has meant that we haven’t been able to make the type of savings that we normally would have over the last couple of years. Therefore, we had difficult decisions to make that we discussed at length, including introducing charges for blue badge holders.
“Ultimately, we think we’ve made the right calls that will ensure we stay on a sustainable financial footing for the long-term, rather than making short-term fixes. We don’t intend to increase parking charges again for the next four years and introducing charging for blue badge holders will bring us into line with other local authorities. We have made these decisions for the long-term good of the county and the vital services we need to provide.”
There will be a Traffic Regulation Order consultation regarding the proposed car parking changes, and the council has said it encourages people to have their say through that process.
Report by Tait ap Ellis, White Horse News; additional reporting by Daniel Mumby, local democracy reporter.