A Wiltshire Council-run scheme is looking for fun, caring volunteers to spend quality time with young people who are living in care.
The Independent Visitor scheme is one of many across the country, which aims to provide young people in care with independent support from a friendly trusted adult. It is very popular with young people, all of whom choose to be referred to the service.
The council would like to grow the scheme further over the next two years, so that even more young people in care can benefit.
Since the scheme started, it has provided more than 200 young people with long term support. Wiltshire now has one of the largest schemes in the country and is on target to make its 50th active match early in 2019.
Laura Mayes, Wiltshire Council cabinet member for children’s services said, “This scheme has proved to be invaluable for young people. For a young person in care, the availability of an independent, consistent role model can have a hugely positive impact.
“The scheme is just as rewarding for the volunteers who take part and I’d urge people to find out more information and get involved if they can.”
If anyone would like to know more about the scheme and how they can volunteer to support a young person living in care, they should contact:
Anthony Andrews, Independent Visitor Scheme support worker, on 01225 713961 or 07423 680983 or email: anthony.andrews @wiltshire.gov.uk.
More information can also be found at www.wilt shire.gov.uk/children-young-people-independent -visitor-scheme.