The Westbury Family History Group welcomes Judi Grant from the American Museum in Bath on Thursday 25th June.
Judi’s talk is entitled ‘Fab at 50’ and she will tell us about a wide selection of museum artefacts chosen by the curator in 2011 to mark the 50th anniversary of the American Museum, and demonstrate the huge scope of the collection the Museum houses.
Judi has worked at the American Museum for 20 years and was first appointed as an education guide, leading tours and group sessions with students of all ages. She has since taken on other roles including room guide, researcher, costume-maker and general behind-the-scenes needle woman, helping with the care and display of the museum’s extensive textile collection.
The Westbury Family History Group meets every 4th Thursday of the month at 7.15pm in the foyer of the Westbury’s Methodist Church. The branch has regular interesting and informative talks and discussions by members and guest speakers on all aspects of family history and general history.
Why not come along and join us for an enjoyable evening, listening to talks on various interesting subjects, in some great company.
Lynne Vercoe