Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends-John 15v13
We have all been so shocked once again, on hearing the sad news of the shootings of so many people young and teachers, this time in a school in Florida.
We cannot imagine how they are all dealing with such an ordeal, what a horrible experience they all endured and the memories they have. We are all I’m sure, holding them in our prayers for comfort and for the strength to go on and face each new day, without their school friends and teachers who lost their lives.
The story of one of the teachers who placed himself in front of the children, as a shield, between the shooter and them, and died, is so beautiful. In a moment of time, he made a decision to protect these kids with his own life. How amazing and courageous of this dear man.
It does remind me of the Lord Jesus Christ who stood, yes stands between us and eternal death. He was willing to go to the Cross for all humanity, to give his life as a ransom for many, dying in our place, taking on himself our sins and giving himself unreservedly. Why was that? you might ask. It was because of His great LOVE for us all. John3v16. For God so loved…He Gave His son…, Jesus…to die for us.. so we might have a new life and live eternally with God. You only have to ask him, why not do it today.
M. Eady