Westbury Parish Church needs volunteers to sit in church on Saturdays to keep it open.
Every Saturday from May to October, 10.00am to 4.00pm, the church in the Market Place, is kept open but volunteers are needed if this service is to carry on.
“The church is kept open for everyone to come and pray and for a surprisingly wide variety of other reasons,” says Agnes Capes, one of the existing volunteers.
“People come and light a candle for someone or something that is on their mind or heart; come and just sit awhile in the presence of God; meditate or think; learn about the history of this ancient building; learn about some of Westbury’s ancestors by reading the wall monuments; look at the beautiful stained glass windows; find out about those who died in the two World Wars; and find out about church services.
“There will be a church-sitter in church to talk to or ask questions but we do need more people to come along and help.”
If you are interested in this and can give an hour or more to help, please contact Agnes Capes 01373 859163 or the churchwarden, Caroline Dunseath 01373 824224.