THIS year Westbury will again fall silent on Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th November as it remembers those who gave their lives for their country in two World Wars, and many worldwide conflicts since.
The act of remembrance on both armistice day, the 11th November, and on Remembrance Sunday, is always well supported, and it is hoped that this year will be no different.
This Remembrance Sunday service is being organised by Westbury Town Council and will take place at its usual location in front of the town war memorial at the end of the High Street. Many local organisations have been represented in the past, either as part of a marching contingent or by laying a wreath.
Events coordinator, Verity Bartlett said, “This will be the first year that the town council has taken over the running of the Remembrance Sunday service, and we hope everybody will continue to support it and remember those that have fallen.
“We are working closely with the Westbury branch of The Royal British Legion, but need a bit of help from organisations that have taken part in the past. I’m asking for any uniformed or community organisation who have previously laid a wreath to get in touch with us at the town council, so that they can be included on the list of wreath layers.”
This year, and following a continuing trend, the area will be ‘yarn bombed’ with poppies. Organised by Emma Simmonds, of EJ Crafts in Maristow Street, poppies are already coming in but more are always welcome. If you would like to knit a poppy or two for the ‘yarn bomb,’ contact Emma at her shop or via her Facebook page E J Crafts.
If you are an organisation who would like a representative to lay a wreath at the Remembrance Sunday service then please get in touch with Verity on 01373 822232 or email verity.bartlett@westbury All wreaths are still to be ordered individually by the organisation through Bill Prior from the Westbury branch of The Royal British Legion.