ORGANISERS of Westbury’s Poppy Appeal have once again thanked the people of Westbury for supporting the town’s Poppy Appeal.
Mary Kneen, chair of the Westbury branch of The Royal British Legion said, “The Poppy Appeal collection so far is £7,135 but there is still some to be collected and the wreath money is also due in.
“We are always grateful for the amount we raise. Westbury is not a large town but the people always do us proud both in attending and donating.
“Thanks to our Poppy Appeal organiser Bill Prior who does a great job every year.”
Bill Prior, Poppy Appeal organiser for Westbury said, “I would like to say a huge thank you to all the businesses which helped with this year’s appeal. The pubs, cafes, supermarkets and shops are so brilliant and we are very grateful.”
Colin Tagg, organiser for the Bratton branch of The Royal British Legion said, “On behalf of the Bratton branch of the RBL, I am delighted to announce that this year’s village ‘house to house’ collection amounted to the magnificent total of £1,747.64.
“May I take this opportunity to thank all those in the village who contributed to the appeal and of course, to our members and friends who braved the weather and traffic to carry out the door-to-door collections on behalf of the branch.”