The November Meeting of the Inner Wheel Club of Westbury was held at the Chalford House Hotel.
After a very nice meal President Pat Harper opened the meeting by lighting the friendship candle and members were given a warm welcome.
She thanked those members who had helped with the collection for Diabetes outside Co-op and the donations had amounted to £170. It was hoped to have a collection in the Spring for SPLITZ but it was not certain where this would take place as it could no longer be outside Co-op.
Thanks were also extended to Maureen Coward and Val Algar for hosting the coffee morning which was so enjoyed by everyone and £70 had been raised for International Charities.
A skittles match is planned possibly between Frome Inner Wheel and hopefully Warminster sometime next February at the Royal Oak, Corsley and any profit made could go to the Association President’s charity BEAT for eating disorders.
Jackie Pike International Chairman reported that she had delivered 18 Christmas shoe boxes to District, she also informed members that £1,900 had been made in the tea tent that she and Maureen Boyd had helped with at the recent Homefest. It had been a most popular event and they had put their names down to help again next year.
She also told members it was that time of year again when they should get out their knitting needles and start knitting 6 inch squares to make much needed blankets.
Sheila Carruthers Community Service Chairman thanked members for their donations to the Christmas Hamper for the Street Fair and regarding the Dolls House, the winner would be the person who guessed correctly the number of the House.
As usual names were taken of those who were prepared to make cakes this month for the Alzheimer’s Cafe and Maureen Coward would be purchasing and delivering food for the Food Bank to Crosspoint.
The Paris Church will again be having the decorated Christmas trees and Inner Wheel will be responsible for their tree.
Socially some members will be attending the Blake Concert on the 19th November. The Christmas Party at the West Wilts Golf Club will be held on Wednesday 14th December and members were reminded to bring their cheques to the December meeting.
The Jubilee Hall in Bratton will be the venue for World Inner Wheel Day lunch and skittles match on the 14th January. Rotarians are invited to join us for this event.