LEIGH Park Community Centre is looking for trustees and event committee organisers.
Charity trustees are the people who serve on the governing body of a charity.
They may be known as trustees, directors, board members, governors or committee members. Charity trustees are responsible for the general control and management of the administration of a charity. Most people are eligible to serve as trustees. As a trustee you would serve as a volunteer.
The charity said, “The community centre is a registered charity. Charity registration number 1164413. The centre is self-financing, with costs kept as low as possible, so that hire charges can also be kept down. Lower rates are charged at weekends for community events and private/children’s parties. We always seek funding and grants where possible to support projects for the benefit of the community.
“The trustees and community centre manager normally meet on the first or last Tuesday of each month and hold an annual AGM. They are ultimately responsible for the maintenance and insurance of the centre and its safe running in compliance with the rules laid down by the charity’s governing document.
“Trustees have six main duties: ensure that the community centre is being used for the purposes for which it was set up; comply with the rules laid down by Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIO) Governing Documents, act in the best interests of the community centre, manage resources responsibly, act with reasonable care and skill, ensure that the centre complies with the charity law, is well run, effective and accountable to the local community.
“The role is unpaid and does not require any particular experience. A desire to help and support the local community and ability to work as part of a team is the main requirement. However, it would be useful if at least one trustee had financial skills. The time commitment will depend upon how responsibilities are shared out between the trustees and centre manager, but need not be particularly time consuming: monthly meetings, AGM, plus time to read papers in advance and follow through on any decisions reached. It is intended that there should usually be five trustees, with work shared between them.
“If you believe you can help then we would love to hear from you!
“Please contact the centre manager, telephone: 01373 825774 or email: leighpark communitycentre@hotmail. co.uk.”