MEMBERS of White Horse Day Centre joined together to celebrate the 100th birthday of Joan Elizabeth Peake, who turned 100 on Monday 30th July.
Joan was born on 30th July, 1918 in a small village called Tinkton and has now lives locally with her daughter, Sue Underwood, and son-in-law, Jeff Underwood. She moved to the area six and a half years, ago from London to seek ‘the countryside life’.
Joan first started her career during the war as a Voluntary Aid Detachment (VAD) for St John where she was able to travel the world. She visited the Panama Canal on a boat through to Australia where she had a hand in collecting the Japanese prisoners of war and brought them back to Britain via the hospital ship.
She got married to Charles Peake who was an Professor of English at Queen Mary’s. They met at the Post Office when Joan was 17, working on the trunk calls, writing down the incoming calls and placing them in pigeon holes.
Together they have two children, Sue and Michael. Unfortunately, Michael passed away recently after battling Motor Neurone Disease. They also have a grandson, Peter, who is currently in Japan after spending the last four years teaching children English.
Joan is a regular member of White Horse Day Centre in Westbury, visiting both Tuesday and Thursdays each week. She will be receiving her card from the Queen shortly, and also a card from the Secretary of State, Michael Gove.
She is hoping to celebrate her birthday with an afternoon tea party on the lawn with a big family party when her grandson Peter returns in a few weeks.
Above: Jeff and Sue Underwood with Joan Elizabeth Peake (Right)