WESTBURY’S White Horse Day Centre chair, Sue Ezra, has expressed her fury over a decision by Wiltshire Council to cut funding to luncheon clubs and friendship groups, to implement a new system of funding in the future. She has vowed to fight for the future of the popular over 60s’ day centre.

Wiltshire Council confirmed at the recent full council meeting that grants for the clubs would be cut in half by 2023, with plans to remove funding completely by 2024 and to replace this with a ‘modern system’. This would have a direct effect on the future of the White Horse Day Centre as the club is required by Wiltshire Council to have two paid staff members, which the club says they will be unable to fund without the grant.
Leader of Wiltshire Council, cllr Richard Clewer, said at the meeting on the 15th February that it was not a cut in funding, but a way of finding a more “equitable and modern” system that would benefit the whole county.
However, speaking to the White Horse News, Sue Ezra responded, “Excuse me, the money has certainly been cut! The chances of this new system being fair is the same as pigs flying. What they’ve told us directly is that they’re cutting funding in half with the aim of getting rid of it all eventually. How is that a better system?
“I know Wiltshire Council don’t want to be seen as the bad guys, but they’re taking money from clubs that support the most vulnerable, so how else can they been seen?
“It really feels like the elderly are being forgotten about,” Sue added. “These people have lived through the war, they know the realities of rationing, so why should they be at the bottom of the pile now? We get the feeling that Wiltshire Council think we won’t be here much longer and so we don’t matter – this isn’t the case at all. Stop dismissing us.”
Currently, there is no information available for existing clubs on how they can get support from the proposed new system. At the full council meeting, cllr Clewer said that the system is 40 years old and that he wants to modernise it, with £1.5 million in funding available for these services available in a “modern way”.
Cllr Clewer said, “All the current clubs will be able to apply for funding, in an equitable fashion across the entire county. There will also be assistance for smaller clubs, and they can also go to Area Boards (part of Wiltshire Council).”
In response, Sue said, “It’s not reasonable for us to approach an Area Board every quarter and hope that we can convince them to give us enough money to stay afloat – if we don’t have enough in the bank to support our finances and we don’t get support from the Area Board, we would have to close.
“We’re a business but we don’t make any money. It would require almost no effort from Wiltshire Council to keep supporting our centres, but would mean the world to its members.”
“The idea that we may have to raise prices by next April just doesn’t sit right with me and our members would be furious. The majority here are not that wealthy and they would certainly feel the combined effect of this with the rising cost of living – things just seem to be getting more expensive for those that can’t afford it.”
Members of the Westbury club also expressed their concern about the proposed cuts to funding. One member of the White Horse Day Centre said, “I would be really disappointed if the centre shut down, this is my only chance of mixing with people of a similar age and to take that away would be dreadful. It doesn’t even seem like the centre needs that much to function, so I can’t understand their thinking really.”
Another added, “I think it’s a shame as there’s so many other people here that the day centre is the only chance they get to socialise with similar people, I just can’t see where they’ll be getting that from otherwise.”
The new tender to provide day opportunities was discussed at the full council meeting and this will go to cabinet on 29th March. The successful new services will start from the summer. Sue says she will be attending an online meeting with the adult care commissioning department of Wiltshire Council on 9th March to discuss the tendering process.
She added, “If there are any businesses in town that would like to maybe contribute through donations or support to help the White Horse Day Centre, it would be appreciated.”
Westbury’s White Horse Day Centre always welcomes new members and for just £9 you get a three-course meal and a day full of entertainment and socialising every Thursday – all they require is that you are aged 60 or over.
The centre is also hosting a special meal for the Queen’s Jubilee on Thursday 2nd June.
If you would like to get involved or want to find out more information, please call Sue Ezra on 07816 991 960. The White Horse Day Centre can be found at Grassacres Hall, Eden Vale Road, Westbury. BA13 3NZ