A PUBLIC consultation is being held on the proposed development of up to 65 dwellings and supporting infrastructure at land to the north of the high street in Dilton Marsh. The consultation is being facilitated by Grass Roots Planning Ltd, on behalf of their clients, Dilton Marsh LVA LLP.

The consultation ends on 18th June and can be found here: https://forms.office. com/r/Ai7tFwN07a
Alternatively, you can write to Grass Roots Planning Ltd, Suites 9 & 10, Bristol North Baths, Gloucester Road, Bristol, BS7 8BN or email enquiries@grassroots-planning.co.uk
On the consultation website (found here: http://lva-diltonmarsh.co.uk), the developer Dilton Marsh LVA LLP says, “We consider that the proposed development has been sensitively designed and is of a scale that is appropriate to the settlement of Dilton Marsh.
“However, while we further refine the development proposals, we would very much like to discuss the development with the local community. Your views are important, and we hope that you will positively engage with us to help further shape the proposals.”
Some Dilton Marsh residents have said that if this development is approved, it would devastate the current infrastructure in the village. Residents have also called on the developer to have a public meeting to face questions from concerned villagers about the development and its impact on Dilton Marsh.
Deer Field
There is also another proposed development in Dilton Marsh that would see 140 new houses at land south of Clivey, known locally as the deer field, due to the frequent sightings of deer and other wildlife.
Residents are currently raising money via the online crowdfunding service, JustGiving, to employ an experienced planning consultant to help produce objections to the development. The group hit their original target of £2,000 in just six days, but the group are hoping to produce posters and leaflets to promote the cause.
Organisers have said that any money left over following a decision of the proposed development will be donated to charity – this will be voted on in the group’s Facebook page which can be found here: www.facebook.com/groups/493258342454436