AGE UK Wiltshire is raising awareness about the impact of ‘soaring energy prices’ on older people in Wiltshire.
They are also reminding the community that they are here to help, with information and support to apply for a £200 Surviving Winter grant from Wiltshire Community Foundation.
“We are extremely concerned that soaring energy prices and the continued freezing temperatures could force many older people in Wiltshire to ration their heating or cut back on hot meals this winter,” says Age UK Wiltshire’s Information & Advice Senior Project Worker, Rachel Clarke.
“Through Age UK’s new The Cost of Cold campaign, we are urging the Government to help those who are most in need over the coming months. Cutting the VAT rate on energy bills and providing a one-off £500 payment to all those eligible for Cold Weather Payments would make a huge difference to many of the poorest households.
“We’re also asking people to support our campaign by writing to their local MP to highlight how much rising energy bills could hurt older people this winter. More information can be found at www.ageuk.
“With over 1.1 million older households in the UK likely to be in fuel poverty by spring, it is vital that the Government takes urgent action to help older people stay warm and well all year round.
“If you are concerned about your heating costs, are over state retirement age and on a low income, Age UK Wiltshire may be able to help you apply for a £200 Surviving Winter grant from Wiltshire Community Foundation. You can contact our team on 0808 196 2424 or at They’ll also be able to tell you about other schemes that are available to help you with your finances.”