The November Meeting of the Inner Wheel Club of Westbury was held at the Lopes Arms.
After an excellent meal president Jean enrolled new member Majorie Kirkpatrick and members welcomed her into the club.
Various reports were given including one from Jackie Pike on the recent District Meeting held at Taunton.
Members were asked to provide mince pies and sausage rolls for the Rotary Carol Concert to be held on Monday 15th December at All Saints Church, Westbury. President Jean told the members that she would be laying the wreath on behalf of Inner Wheel at the Remembrance Day Service on Sunday 9th November.
Members continue to knit jumpers, hats etc. and collect stamps, ringpulls, spectacles and baby clothes for overseas.
Considerable discussion took place on becoming a ‘Dementia Friend’. The aim of the organisation is to create a dementia friendly society where a ‘Dementia Friend’ will recognize someone who is out and about who may be confused and help them in a calm and reassuring manner. One member said that she had recently become a ‘Dementia Friend’.
It was agreed that arrangements would be made for a speaker from the organisation to come and give members a talk on the subject after which it is hoped that other members will feel that they can undertake this roll.
Sheila Buckton
club correspondent