THE Neighbourhood Tasking Group (NTG) has set their new priority to help the public deal with a rise of non-dwelling burglaries in the town.
Westbury has been suffering from a spate of burglaries, including numerous shed and garage break-ins and thefts of lead from porches, church roofs, and various other locations. There have also been thefts of garden ornaments such as bird baths and flower pots.
Westbury Police hope to be able to organise a day when the public can bring vulnerable property along to be marked up properly.
The NTG meets to allow people to air issues and concerns, with priorities agreed as an outcome of discussions. Unlike many other towns, where the meeting is restricted to invited key figures in the community, Westbury’s NTG is open to the public.
PC Jo Philpott, Westbury town beat manager said, “People come to the meeting with their issues, then we discuss them and decide on a maximum of three priorities. If people ring up and with a concern and say ‘nothing is being done about it’ we say come to the NTG and we’ll discuss it and try and sort it out.”