Matravers School has successfully achieved re-designation of their Specialist Arts Status.
The school first gained Specialist Arts Status in 2001, achieved re-designation in 2006 and now, following their recent Ofsted inspection, they have successfully fulfilled all the requirements for another re-designation.
Heather Leach, head of expressive & performing arts said, “Specialist Arts Status enables us to offer students a wide range of experiences in the arts, both in lessons and in extra-curricular activities, supported by excellent resources and facilities.
“Our arts provision for students was judged to be some of the best in the country when we first achieved the Artsmark Gold award in 2006 and this has also just been achieved again in 2010.
“The ethos of specialist arts colleges involves developing students’ enjoyment and participation in the arts, building self-confidence and self-esteem in their creative abilities, which often leads to a lifelong engagement in arts related activities. We provide many opportunities for our students to see performances and visit exhibitions, as well as having an active programme of our own plays, recitals, musicals and showcases.
“Specialist Arts College Status provides extra funding to allow us to raise attainment and the quality of teaching and learning in arts subjects for all students. We also develop ways to use the arts and new technologies to improve the whole curriculum and also reach out to the local community and our feeder primary schools through our community arts and extended schools programme.
“A key aspect of being a Specialist Arts College is being able to lead on new curriculum developments and Matravers School has helped develop and lead delivery of the new creative and media diploma with our local secondary partner schools. The focus of this new qualification is to enable students to learn about the arts industry and we work with artists, arts organisations and creative industries to maximise opportunities for students to gain an arts-related career and, with universities and colleges, to link to further educational opportunities in the arts.
“As part of our successful community arts plan we are currently working with the Lions and Rotary Clubs on the Westbury Music and Arts Festival, with an exhibition in the Laverton Hall of photography from the Gambia and from the community photography group. Andrew Murrison MP opened the exhibition. The festival runs until Sunday 17th October. Please refer to for the other events and details of ticket sales.
“As part of the festival Matravers School again organised its ‘The Big Draw’ on Saturday 2nd October. There was a huge turnout of families who participated in a wide range of exciting ‘drawing’ activities.”