LEIGH Park Community Centre continues their search for volunteers to help run events, clubs and exciting projects in 2018.
Debbie Cole, centre manager said, “The Leigh Park Community Centre was created by voluntary effort, and volunteers still play a vital part in all areas of the business. The centre is a busy place and we are always eager to welcome new volunteers to help us.
“There are many different ways to become involved. Please get in touch if you are interested in helping in any of those areas, or if you have other skills or contributions which you think you would help in volunteering at the centre.
“We have some great community projects coming up for 2018 that will require extra volunteer help in the following areas –
“Moviola (cinema club) needs volunteers to help with public ticket sales, setting up, packing away and snack booth for this new cinema club to be run once a month.
“In house skittles needs volunteers to help with the running, setting up and packing away of this new in house skittles league to be run weekly.
“Youth club volunteers required to help deliver fun- packed youth club session for ages 11 to 16 years, volunteers will need a DBS certificate and undertake safeguarding training.
“Land development project, the charity has been awarded additional land for community use and we are looking for people with project management, financial, building, ecological and large grant applications expertise to help develop the business plan before submission for approval and funding.
“Trustee treasurer; the board of charity trustees is looking for a dedicated treasurer for the day-to-day running of the centre accounts, knowledge of quick books preferred but not essential as training can be given. Monthly trustee meeting to be attending with delivery of monthly reports and annual report prepared for AGM and accountant.
“Trustee members; the board of trustees is looking to expand its committee team with further trustee volunteers who feel they can dedicate 4 to 10 hours a month and attend a monthly meeting. Volunteering gives something back to the community and can make a difference to the people around you. It is also an opportunity to develop new skills or build on existing experience and knowledge.
“Ongoing fundraising, decorating and DIY; the LPCC charity is responsible for the up keep of the centre, fundraising plays a crucial role for us to renew and improve our facilities, volunteers with fundraising experience, decorating and DIY skills are always most welcome.”
For further information on any of the volunteer roles available please contact Debbie Cole, Centre Manager, Leigh Park Community Centre, Leigh Park Way, Westbury, Wiltshire BA13 3FN or email leigh parkcommunitycentre@hotmail.co.uk