PHONE calls, emails and socially distanced chats on doorsteps have helped Bratton Women’s Institute members keep in touch when they have been unable to meet during the pandemic.
In an update in the village newsletter, Lis Lankester from the group reported that members were also pleased to receive a “meeting in a bag” at Christmas, when they were not able to enjoy the usual annual festive social.
“We are all keen to resume our normal meetings as soon as possible, and are keeping in touch with phone calls and emails in the meantime,’ Lis said.
She continued in the newsletter, “One of the WI’s main annual projects is to choose the focus of our next national campaign, and this year everyone can choose from the shortlist, proposed by members round the country.
“Two resolutions have emerged as final contenders – raising awareness of ovarian cancer, and improving our understanding of the symptoms of coronary heart disease in women.
“Our individual choices will soon be collected at county HQ in Devizes, then forwarded to the National Federation for the final decision. It is satisfying to know that we can all have an influence on a national campaign in this small way.”
Bratton WI is part of the Wiltshire Federation of WIs, and consequently the National Federation of WIs – the largest countrywide organisation of women in the UK – giving women educational opportunities and the chance to build new skills, to take part in a wide variety of activities and to campaign on issues that matter to them and their communities.
Recent campaigns have included reducing plastic waste in our oceans and alleviating loneliness.
Membership is open to all women over 16 and annual membership from January 2020 is £43, for which every member receives a monthly national magazine – W.I. Life – plus the Wiltshire Federation newsletter.
Opportunities are available to visit Denman College near Oxford for further education on a variety of subjects, together with other, more local, activities on a regular basis. A full programme of events is also provided detailing talks and demonstrations in Bratton.
When meetings are permitted, they take place at 7.30pm at the Church Institute every first Wednesday in each month, with the exception of August, which is when members normally have their annual outing.
Other regular activities include book, lunch and walking clubs.