CHILDREN at Westbury Leigh Church of England Primary School and Bitham Brook Primary School went wild for books for World Book Day on Thursday 3rd March by dressing as their favourite book characters and engaging in a range of fun games and activities.
Mrs Grimsey, the Head Teacher for Westbury Leigh Primary explained, “Although we know that dressing up doesn’t directly improve reading it certainly motivates and inspires staff and children to have fun with books and raises the profile and importance of reading.
“Our children and staff love it, and it does encourage lots of exciting talk about book characters. We saw a wide range of characters in school including Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz to Where’s Wally and Harry Potter. Some of the costumes were really inventive and colourful, so a big well done to everyone at home for your support with this!”
A spokesperson for Bitham Brook Primary School said, “There were some amazing costumes from around the world in Year 3 as both children and teachers were inspired by their current class reading book Seasons of Splendour, and a few Stick Men were spotted moving around school. In Miss Grant’s class there was a bit of friendly wizarding rivalry adding to the magic of the day.
“Visitors to the school were impressed with the imagination and passion shown by all the children to celebrate characters from fiction, right through from Reception through to our Year 6.
“In addition to an afternoon story telling with Michael Morpurgo the children also took part in the one million words challenge and managed to rack up lots of words for Westbury.”