Holy Trinity Church in Dilton Marsh is restarting its ever popular Meet the Village coffee morning with Table Top Sale on Saturday 7th August at 10am, running until noon.
“There will be refreshments and a chance to chat with old friends and new!” says the church. “Stallholders always comment on the great camaraderie and atmosphere of the sale, with the bonus of selling their wares!!!
“Stall bookings are now being taken. Tables are provided and can be hired free of charge. Voluntary donations, if desired, to the church’s charity for the year.”
For bookings contact Garth on 01373 822414 or Sue on 01373 229618 or email suestanley.whtministry@gmail.com.
Dilton Marsh Mother’s Union has two tables selling handicrafts, cakes and preserves etc, as, along with many other organisations over the past 18 months, they have been unable to raise funds to carry on their great work supporting the community near and far.
Alongside the August sale there is the first Eco Church Day with a host of information stands and stalls, refreshments and more including the valuable Holy Trinity Eco Church Project. The Eco Day Group invites you to Come and Enjoy!! 10am to 2pm. More information – office@whtministry.org
Follow Holy Trinity on Facebook for up-to-date information – www.facebook.com/Holy-Trinity-Church-Dilton-Marsh-130830347693499