THE land north of Bitham Park Road, Westbury, owned by Wiltshire Council, has been deemed surplus by the unitary authority, and one local councillor hopes the land will be turned into ‘much needed’ social housing.

Cllr Gordon King, a sitting Westbury town and Wiltshire councillor, says the news from Wiltshire Council is ‘positive on a couple of levels’.
Cllr King said, “First, it provides an opportunity for Westbury to progress an application to acquire the land for a Community Land Trust to realise its ambition for much needed social housing for rent. This ambition is gaining traction within Westbury’s emerging Neighbourhood Plan, which I support unequivocally. I took no time in alerting Wiltshire Council’s Cabinet of such an ambition requesting their assistance. It is my hope that an urgent expression of interest is forthcoming soon.
“Second, if that ambition is not realised, then it is most probable that there will be significant developer interest in either more housing or for a local district centre based opposite the nearby Lidl store. Either way both options will be sufficient to realise the missing connection between the Millbrook development and the town to improve connectivity, neighbourhood identity and highway safety.
“If it is to be housing then my preference is for social/affordable housing first, a local centre second and further market housing last. But no one should be of any doubt, regrettably, that commercial housing is the most probable use of this land.
“Wiltshire Council, which is strapped for cash, wants a market rate for the land. However, my hope is that if community bid is made, the council will recognise the value of a community housing project and agree a price that is in the best interests of the council and the community. I will do all I can to make that happen.
“Whatever happens it is essential that Westbury and the residents of eastern Westbury benefit positively from the disposal of this land.