Members of the West End Baptist Church gathered for a special thanksgiving service and tea last month to say farewell to their minister Reverend Ian McManus who concluded his ministry after 12 years.
Ian is taking up the post of musical director and organist for All Saints’ Church in Westbury and will be supporting his wife, Esther, as she becomes the full-time minister of Bratton Baptist Church.
“We wish them well as they start their new roles in the autumn,” said Ivor Shears of West End Baptist Church. “The church has been much blessed by Ian’s preaching and music ministry. Supported by Esther, they saw us through the period of the pandemic by live streaming services when we could not meet in person.
“This was the end of a busy year for Ian that saw the church see signs of growth, win a bronze eco church award, the expansion of the Renew Wellbeing Project and celebrate healing and baptism before concluding with a joyful wedding.”
More info about the church can be found at