LOCAL people would have more of a say in local developments and help shape the future of the town as part of a new Neighbourhood Plan which is being drawn up for Westbury.
The Neighbourhood Plan aims to encourage communities to become proactively involved in decisions about planning matters at a local level.
Neighbourhood plan project coordinator for Westbury Town Council, Phil McMullen explains, “Many communities have in the past rightly considered that they have little or no influence over planning policy, because like it or not the Local Authority, in our case Wiltshire Council, are going to do whatever they believe is best for everyone involved – towns, villages, and the people that live there and travel through them.
“That is now changing, and we have a very real opportunity to shape the future of Westbury the way we, the people who live and work there, want it to be.
“As many of you will know, a Steering Group of local people and representatives from Westbury Town Council have been working together for nearly three years now to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan for our town.
“It’s a lengthy process and there is still some way to go but, once complete, your Neighbourhood Plan will have full legal status. That means it will be used to ensure that all planning applications for developments – such as, where they go, what they are for, what things look like etc – meet our local standards.
“Because the Plan has legal status in planning law it must be based on very thorough evidence. Members of the community representing different topics and interests, such as business, transport, health, housing and the environment have been involved in collecting evidence at different stages over the last few years.
“The Plan must also build on local views, opinions and aspirations, which is why we have also created different ways for your voice to be heard through our engagement and consultation efforts such as surveys and presentations. All of the information you have been providing has shaped the content of our emerging Neighbourhood Plan, and will continue to do so with more consultation and engagement to come.
“In summary a Neighbourhood Plan should:
•Provide a clear, community-led vision for the future of its area.
•Translate that vision into practical objectives (e.g. to address climate change).
•Express those objectives as planning policies (e.g. criteria for sustainable design and construction).
“Our Neighbourhood Plan will make a difference by focusing on formal policies that the planning system can genuinely influence, such as the protection of open spaces and the location and density of housing developments,” continued Phil McMullen. “But it will also include some ‘priorities’ and projects to try and ensure that developments deliver community benefits such as infrastructure provision, improved footpaths and tree planting. Taken together, our Plan will help make Westbury an even better place to live, work and visit in the future.
Wiltshire Council and the Local Plan Review
“Wiltshire Council officers thanked Westbury Town Council for their comprehensive input to the preparation of their Local Plan review earlier this year. This is a revision of their strategic planning document, the Core Strategy (now known as the Local Plan). Our input is important as we recognise that the Westbury area will have to find space for new houses in the next plan period 2016 – 2036, and it’s our Neighbourhood Plan that can link into the Wiltshire planning policies and add positive local detail that will shape and direct future development.
What, when and how?
“Our Neighbourhood Plan is now starting to come together. In the autumn a first draft of the plan will go out for consultation with everybody who lives and works in Westbury, using a range of different methods to get people reading and commenting on it over a period of at least six weeks.
“Please take a look at the website to follow news about the plan. https://www.westburytowncouncil.gov.uk/dept/neighbourhood-plan/
“As soon as the draft Neighbourhood Plan is ready for consultation the Town Council will let people know how they can get involved, in this newspaper and other sources.
“Following the consultation, the draft plan will be amended taking into account all comments we get back, and it’s that version which will be the Neighbourhood Plan that is submitted to Wiltshire Council.
“Wiltshire Council will manage a second formal consultation, following which an Independent Examiner will study and comment on the plan; and finally, once approved, there will be a public referendum to check that you all support it.
“If this seems bureaucratic and long-winded that’s because it is! All of this bureaucracy is precisely what ensures that your Neighbourhood Plan will really make a difference. We look forward to receiving your comments and helping to ensure that the people of Westbury genuinely do play a key role in shaping the future of our town.”
For more details contact Phil McMullen – Neighbourhood Plan Project Coordinator – Email: phil.mcmullen@westburytowncouncil.gov.uk; Phone : 01373 822232 | DDI : 01373 480913; The Laverton, Bratton Road, Westbury Wiltshire, BA13 3EN; www.westburytowncouncil.gov.uk