THIS month’s informative Westbury u3a talk was given by Christine Mason, a volunteer at Salisbury Museum, who has been cataloguing information on artist Rex Whistler.
The group reports, “We learned of his brief life, his close connections with Wiltshire, and his home on The Close near the Cathedral. Rex was very prolific, needing to make a living from his art. Christine outlined some of his works and where to see them.
“At the outbreak of World War II, Rex chose to join a tank regiment, rather than be a war artist, which led to his death in Europe. Christine told us the museum is undergoing a revamp, so we hope to visit when it reopens in May, having been inspired to take a closer look at Whistler’s work and life.
“Our next talk is at 2pm on Tuesday 12th March by Sally Smith entitled Women Pioneers in Aviation. She has written ‘Magnificent Women in Flying Machines’. New members are always welcome. We meet in the United Reform Church, Hospital Road, Westbury.”
Report by Pauline Medhurst