THERE’S still time to sign up for Westbury Lions’ 10k run on Sunday 9th October, which celebrates its fifth year of running.
The annual fundraiser attracts runners from far and wide and organisers are hoping this year numbers will beat last year’s attendance of 135.
Former Lions president and event organiser Jarvis MacDonald said, “Part of the appeal of this run is the level route. With no big hills to climb, beginners and club runners alike can run side by side and really enjoy the course.”
Starting at 11am from the White Horse Country Park, the 10km run will take participants along the Lower Westbury Road to Bratton, before travelling down Court Lane and left to Capps Lane. Just before reaching the A350, runners will cross a short field back to the country park for the finish.
The money raised from the run is distributed to community causes such as schools, local charities, and low income families or individuals in need, via the Lions club welfare committee.
• If you are interested in taking part in the 10k run, you can download an entry form from www.westburylions.org.uk and enter in advance for £8, or alternatively turn up on the day and register before 10.30am for £10.