A race night, in aid of The Nick Jones Foundation for Bereaved Children, will take place at Westbury Labour Club on Friday 14th September, giving you the opportunity to bet and win big!
With just £5 entry and six races that will give you the opportunity to win big, you’ve got nothing to lose as well as raising money for a good cause.
Nick Jones set up ‘The Nick Jones Foundation for Bereaved Children’ after being given months to live. Nick has been diagnosed with malignant hypertension, which attacks the heart and internal organs. He is currently being assisted by Dorothy House, who are helping him through his end-of-life care.
His aim is to leave a lasting legacy by providing support for children who are going through bereavement by raising money from events and challenges to provide them with alternative ways to overcome loss, including days away and activities.
At the race night hosted by Westbury Labour Club, a light buffet will be provided on the night with the bar open for you to purchase drinks. Doors open at 7pm with the first race beginning at 7.30pm. Tickets are £5 and available to purchase at Suave in Westbury.
If you are a local business and would like to sponsor one of the races for just £100, message the team on Facebook.
For more information search ‘Nick Jones Foundation for Bereaved Children’ on Facebook.
Nick Jones, alongside a team of friends are on a mission to conquer Mt.Everest starting on Friday 19th October in aid of the foundation. If you would like to sponsor the team, visit their fundraising page on https://www. gofundme.com/NickJonesFoundation.