Are you part of a voluntary group or organisation planning something special to commemorate the centenary of World War 1?
If so then Westbury Town Council’s Great War Commemoration Group would like to hear from you.After a successful launch in August, the Great War Group is now planning a series of further events covering the remainder of the four year commemorative period, up to Armistice Day in November 2018.
Wiltshire Councillor and Westbury Town Councillor, David Jenkins, who chairs the working group said, “After such a great start, we want to make sure that we continue to remember such an important period in our history and involve as much of our community as possible.
“To continue our events, we hope to make a successful bid for Heritage Lottery Funding, and in order to do that we need to work together with our schools and community organisations to explore and conserve our heritage, engage with our children and younger people and ensure we leave a lasting legacy for the future.”
The group are arranging a WW1 recruitment day next summer and are also currently looking at projects that could be part of an ‘art’ theme, to link with the Westbury Music & Arts Festival. So if you are a group involved in any form of art, craft, sculpting or quilting and planning to commemorate the WW1 in your own unique way, the Great War Group would love to hear from you.
The role of women during the war and a living history project focusing on the survivors of the Great War are amongst projects being explored by the Heritage Society and Family History Society, if funding can be secured. So, if you have any letters, photographs, stories or memorabilia to share, then please get in touch with the Great War Group.
You can contact the Great War Group via Julie at Westbury Town Council on 01373 822232 or by email at julie@westburytowncouncil.gov.uk.