DILTON Parish Council members and volunteer residents took to the streets on Saturday 27th April for their ‘Great Big Dilton Marsh Litter Pick’.
Kathy Hutt, chairman of the parish council reports, “On Saturday, a small band of merry ‘Dilton Marshians’ – of all ages – braved Storm Hannah to clean up the village again.
“We were quite impressed to find that there were fewer bags of rubbish this time, but it’s still too much! And we were horrified at the amount of dog mess that we came across, both exposed for all to tread in on the pavements – and in bags.
“Please, please, please remember that there is no dog poo fairy and clean up after your furry friends – and if there isn’t a suitable bin available, take it home.
“The parish council is in the process of providing more bins throughout the village, but these things take time.
“Dilton Marsh has been entered in the Wiltshire Best Kept Village competition this year and everyone has a role to play by keeping their gardens and surrounding areas neat and tidy – and picking up litter when out and about. The judges will be here in May and June, with final judging in July.
“A great big thank you goes to those that helped on Saturday. The date for the next litter pick will be announced soon, so watch this space.”