WESTBURY traders are encouraging residents to keep their Christmas shopping local this year.
Local traders point out that with everything from Christmas gifts to Christmas trees on offer, it is possible to do the majority of your festive shopping without leaving the town.
Gary Davies, of department store Davies in Edward Street said, “In Westbury, we’ve got a good mix of strong independent stores, and excellent supermarkets as well. It’s got more on offer than you may think.
“In Davies, we’ve got everything and anything! If you want a thousand and one ideas for Christmas, this is the place to come. You’ll also find a fantastic selection of Christmas gifts and everything else you need for the festive season.
“We stock everything from remote control monster trucks to bird tables, from bingo games to sledges, from telescopes to George Foreman family grills and from Winnie the Pooh mugs to slow cookers.
“Whether you want a stocking filler or a family gift, you’ll be sure to find something; with many great offers and a lot of gifts less than half price.”
Chris Longworth, of Cards Plus in the High Street said, “You’d be hard pressed to say you can’t find anything in Westbury. People come in here and say ‘you’ve got just what I wanted’. We stock cards, gifts, jewellery, soft toys, and more. Westbury is very friendly to shop in, a much more personal service than in a big town where nobody knows anybody.”
Mary Kneen, of Westbury Country Market, says, “With careful looking, you’ve got everything in Westbury from cards to electrical goods; we do have a good selection in town.”
With a selection of stalls from local traders, the market meets on Friday mornings from 9.30am-11.30am at All Saints Parish Hall, and over the festive season offers an excellent selection of Christmas cards and gifts. They also are taking orders for Christmas food, with everything from salmon mousse and chocolate logs to reduced sugar Christmas puddings. The last date for orders is Friday 7th December.
David Jenkins, president of the Westbury Chamber of Commerce, said, “Westbury has many shops that have a whole range of items that would be ideal for Christmas gifts.
“Westbury’s economy is fragile; the local community needs to support their local shops, especially at this time of the year as this will help to encourage businesses and investment into the area.”