AS part of National Teachmeet Day, Matravers School hosted an event themselves on Thursday 6th February.
These gatherings allow teachers to share an example of good practice they have tried in their classrooms with other teachers.
Teachers from other schools in West Wilts such as Westbury Leigh, Clarendon, St Laurence and Corsham joined Matravers teachers for the event.
Nicky Newbury, ICT co-ordinator at Westbury Leigh, brought her ‘digital leaders’ to talk about their work in a keynote speech. The digital leaders are students in years 4, 5 and 6 who train and support their teachers on using new technology in the classroom. Other teachers then spoke about aspects of their practice that have been successful in their classrooms. Teachmeets have been becoming more and more common over the past few years; they are free events that almost always take place after a school day to enable as many people to attend as possible. Anybody can sign up to talk for either 7 minutes or 2 minutes on a subject of their choice relating to teaching and learning. Sally Thorne, from Matravers School said, “Last night, for example, we had presentations on successful assessment, literacy games and using iPads in the classroom, to name a few – the idea is to share best practice and hopefully encourage other teachers to try something new.”
This year was the first National Teachmeet Day and there were at least 15 Teachmeets taking place nationwide.