“MANY of us have experienced anxieties during the pandemic, which have resulted in some feeling a reluctance to engage with activities outside our homes or safe situations- but don’t dismiss the power of Westbury Shed,” says trustee Gerry Starling.
“Westbury Shed has continued, as far as possible, to provide access not only to workshop activities, making and mending but also access to the positive effects of human contact as far as restrictions have allowed.
“Evidence has shown that emotional wellbeing can be significantly improved by engaging in group activities; this was recently evidenced during a recent workshop session. One of our regular stalwarts, Norman Winter, had been feeling pretty low having had some worrying health concerns which seriously affected his sight. These worries had also impacted on his wife, Mags, who was understandably worried and feeling the stress of the situation.
“During a Shed session, Norman was able to share his concerns; he was given support and advice by others. As a result of this conversation and within a matter of days, Norman had accessed services which resulted in him being able to work on jigsaws when previously he had not been able to see a screen 1.5 metres away.
“Norman and Mags said that thanks to the help of fellow Shed members they had been given the best Christmas present ever. Norman plans to continue his workshop activities, and is looking for more projects to engage in as well as making personal items for Mags.”
Westbury Shed can be found on Unit 15, LA Works, Alfred Street. To get involved with any of the upcoming projects, the group can be contacted at westburyshed@gmail.com or 07375 524 398 or visit their Facebook page.