WESTBURY Town councillors have agreed to write a letter to Wiltshire Council to express their anger over the recent parking charge change that results in Blue Badge holders being charged to park in Wiltshire Council-run car parks, and to reinforce comments from the public who condemn this change.
The charges, which came into place on 1st September, have previously been described by Westbury town councillors as “disgraceful” and “grossly unfair”.
The issue was discussed by councillors at a meeting of the highways, planning, and development committee of the town council last month as they noted the traffic regulation order came into effect at the start of last month.
Speaking at the meeting, cllr Gordon King said, “Can I suggest we write to Wiltshire Council and reinforce the complaints we have received from residents about this specific parking charge change. I have had a number of people approach me in the street to say that they can’t afford the changes, that some of their conditions mean they are not able to reach the ticket machines, and also that they find it totally discriminatory – and I absolutely agree. We should write to Wiltshire Council in defence of our residents.
“A Blue Badge holder can park anywhere including on double yellow lines for up to three hours absolutely legally. Wiltshire Council should not be forcing people to park in dangerous places, they should be making the car park open and accessible, particularly for those that need it most.”
Cllr Sheila Kimmins added, “I’d also add that Wiltshire Council have themselves issued Blue Badges that say quite clearly on it that you can park for three hours for free so Wiltshire Council can’t give out Blue Badges to people and then charge them when the physical document says it is free.”
Cllr Mark Bailey suggested councillors ask Wiltshire Council how they plan to reconcile the fact that they are charging Blue Badge holders for parking when the Blue Badge clearly says it is free. Councillors agreed and proposed drafting, then sending an agreed letter to Wiltshire Council expressing the outcome of their discussion.
Pictured: Charges came into effect from 1st September.