A LICENCE has been approved by Wiltshire Council for the granting of two hours’ free car parking in Westbury. The arrangement had been agreed in January, but councillors were told about the formal licence at the last meeting of Westbury Town Council, held earlier this month.
Town clerk, Deborah Urch, explained that the town had been given an extra two months, for June and July, because of the downturn caused by Covid-19.
The two hours’ free parking applies to the High Street, Warminster Road and Westfield House car parks from 15th June 2020 – 31st July 2021, at a cost of £39,944.
Councillor Nick Pyne wondered how Wiltshire Council calculate how they charge the town. In reply, it was explained that Wiltshire Council supply a spreadsheet of calculated value.
In reference to the two months’ free car parking, cllr Charles asked, “How do you know that they [Wiltshire Council] will not slap on two months’ extra next year?” The clerk replied that Wiltshire Council will be asked for an estimate of charges in October/November.