WESTBURY and District U3A attended the April meeting to hear best-selling author Ben Kane talk about his walk in 2013, with two friends, along Hadrian’s Wall dressed in the full kit of Roman Soldiers.
Maggie Skyrme reports, “Ben, a qualified vet, became a full time writer several years ago. He trained for his walk during January and February 2013 by walking the lanes near his Somerset home dressed in the full kit, including the hobnailed boots and carrying his shield on his back to the consternation of one or two visitors to the region. One asked ‘What was that?’ only to be told ‘Normal for here’.
“The actual walk along Hadrian’s Wall took place in spring 2013. The three friends walked west to east so at least they had the wind behind them and the remains of the wall itself became more prominent towards the east.
“Each man wore the uniform of a particular regiment and era; Ben wore that of a soldier from the Punic Wars. They all discovered that it took up to ten minutes to get kitted up in the mornings before setting out.
“It hailed on the second day; Ben remarked that the noise of the hail on his helmet was very loud. The weather improved on day three, and the trio were lucky enough to be given cups of tea in one village that they passed through.
“Indeed they were able to buy lunch from the honesty stall, leaving their money in the box and noting that it was by the Decree of the Emperor Hadrian that the food was there.
“One day, as they walked along feeling tired, they realised that they were being followed by some Gurkhas who soon caught them up as they were running! After stopping for a photograph the Gurkhas continued running.
“Reaching Newcastle on day six, they stopped at a sandwich and coffee bar. Ben queued for at least ten minutes in his soldier’s gear along with the smartly dressed city workers; no one asked him anything about what he was doing. As an Irishman, Ben said he found that very odd.
“Ben and his friends raised over £45,000 for Combat Stress, Médecins Sans Frontières and a small charity, Park in the Past, based in Chester.
“Next month we hold our AGM which will be followed by a talk on town twinning. It would be appreciated if as many members as possible can attend the usual venue, United Reformed Church Hall, starting at 2pm.”